30 mm RHV-HEF-LD

30 mm Round RHV-HEF-LD with High Explosive Fragmentation

Long Distance Grenade

NSN: 1305-50-001-5906

The 30 mm Round RHV-HEF-LD provides effective action against enemy troops in open terrain or in light shelters at distance of up to 2100 m. The Round is fitted with distance-armed, self-destruction fuze AF37.


The ammunition is designed for use with automatic grenade launchers:

– AGS -17, AGS-30

– AG-17A, AG-17D, AG-17M

– AGL-17, AGL-30

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Type High Velocity,Long Distance, High-Explosive, Fragmentation,
Calibre, mm 30
Round length, mm 133 max
Round weight, kg 0.340 approx.
Grenade weight, kg 0.275 approx.
Explosive charge weight, kg 0.036 approx.
Max effective range, m 2100
Average muzzle velocity, m/s 185±3
Probable deviation, m/s not more than 2.5
Average max pressure of the powder gases, MPa not more than 122.5
Radius of defeat, m not less than 7
Operation Temperature Range, °C from minus 50 to 55
Elements of the Round 
Grenade High Explosive Fragmentation
Fuze AF37
Explosive filling A-IX-1
Cartridge case Steel
Propellant charge NBPl-14-10
Primer KVM-3
Fuze AF37
Type Point detonating, with SQ and check action, distance-armed, self-destruction
Arming distance, m from 10 to 60
Details of arming function 3 steps of safety
Self-destruction time, s not less than 31
SHELF LIFE: 10 years, if stored in storeroom conditions, in the original non-opened packing of the manufacturer, strictly observing all handling and storage instructions of the Manufacturer.
PACKING:                                                                              RHV-HEF-LD
Option 1: 52 Rounds are packed in one air-tight metal box, three metal boxes are packed in one wooden case (a total of 156 rounds in one wooden case). Case dimensions, mm                875 x 398 x 206 Gross weight, kg                        71 Wooden case volume, m3          0.072
Option 2: 52 Rounds are packed in one air-tight metal box, three metal boxes are packed in one wooden case (a total of 156 rounds in one wooden case). Case dimensions, mm                  875 x 398 x 206 Gross weight, kg                           71 Wooden case volume, m3            0.072


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