40 mm RLV-AD

40 mm Round RLV-AD with Anti-Diver Grenade

NSN: 1310-50-001-2471

The RLV-AD is an in-water operation round and is used for protection of ships and harbors against enemy frogmens.
The blast from the highly explosive composition creates a defeat effect within a 30 m radius and shock disorientation up to 100 m.


The Rounds are compatible with:

– ARSENAL UBGL, UBGL-1, GP-25, GP-30 and GP-34 Underbarrel Grenade launchers mounted on ARSENAL Assault Rifles AR-M1, AR-M1F, AR-M7F, AR-M9, AR-M9F, etc.; and on AK-74, AKS-74, AKM, AKMS, AK 101, AK 103

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Type Low Velocity, Anti-diver
Calibre, mm 40
Overall length of Round, mm 134 max
Weight of round, kg 0.270 max
Explosive filling TBC-3 (thermobaric composition)
Cartridge case material aluminum alloy
Fuze type AF44 – point detonating fuze with delay action, distant arming and self-destruction
Arming distance, m from 10 to 40
Self-destruction time, s 27 max
Max firing range, m 400
Muzzle velocity, m/s 76
Detonating depth of fuze, m from 5 to 15
Radius of defeat, m about 30
Radius of shock effect, m about 100
Operational temperature, °C from minus 50 to 50
3 metal airtight boxes (28 pcs. in each box), placed in a wooden case (84 pcs. totally)
Wooden case dimensions, mm 875x398x206
Wooden case weight, kg 40
Wooden case volume, m3 0.072
Class of explosion hazard, UN Code 1.1E, UN 0006


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