73 mm ATGL-H Family

73 mm C&B Heavy Anti-Tank Grenade Launchers ATGL-H Family

ATGL-H – NSN: 1010-50-001-1181

ATGL-H1 – NSN: 1010-50-001-1180

ATGL-H2 – NSN: 1010-50-000-0294

ATGL-H3 – NSN: 1010-50-001-1759

ATGL-H, ATGL-H1, ATGL-H2 and ATGL-H3 are mighty reliable recoilless fire weapons for destroying tanks, self-propelled artillery mounts and other armoured vehicles, as well as for destroying the enemy `s manpower.

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Calibre, mm 73 73 73 73
Ammunition RHEAT-9MA, RHEAT-9MA2, PG-9V, PG-9VN, RHEF-9MA, RHEF-9MA1, OG-9V, OG-9VM, RTB-9MA, etc.
Equipment body with telescopic tripod body with telescopic tripod and wheelset body with telescopic tripod body with telescopic tripod and wheelset
Sighting Devices Optical Sight PGOK-9 or SGL-9MA Optical Sight PGOK-9 or SGL-9MA Optical Sight PGOK-9 or SGL-9MA and Night Sight NOS-4B or PGN-9 Optical Sight PGOK-9 or SGL-9MA and Night Sight NOS-4B or PGN-9
Weight, kg 50.5 66.5 59 75
Length of launcher, mm 2110 2110 2110 2110
Height of launcher, mm-  with optical sight –  with wheelset in traveling position 840 – 920740 840- 920 740
Max width on tripod, mm 1050 1050 1050 1050
Max width on wheelset in traveling position, mm 665 665
Muzzle velocity, m/s-   RHEAT-9MA, PG-9V and PG-9VN –   RHEF-9MA, RHEF-9MA1, OG-9V, OG-9VM 435 316 435 316 435 316 435 316
Rate of fire, rounds/min 6 6 6 6
Direct fire range, m-   RHEAT-9MA, PG-9V and PG-9VN –   RHEF-9MA, RHEF-9MA1, OG-9V, OG-9VM 800 345 800 345 800 345 800 345
Max range of fire, m-   RHEAT-9MA, PG-9V and PG-9VN –   RHEF-9MA, RHEF-9MA1, OG-9V, OG-9VM 1300 4500 1300 4500 1300 4500 1300 4500
Max angle of elevation, degrees 25 25 25 25
System life, rounds 500 500 500 500
Optical sight PGOK-9 or SGL-9MA, pc. 1 1 1 1
Night sight NOS-4B or PGN-9, pc. 1 1
Wheelset, pc. 1 1
Bag for rounds, pc. 2 2 2
Set of front and rear canvas covers, pc. 1 1 1 1
Canvas gloves, pair 1 1 1 1
Bag with set of spare parts and accessories, pc. 1 1 1 1
Brush, pc. 1 1 1 1
Cleaning rod, pc 1 1 1 1
Wooden case with 1 weapon and accessories
Case dimensions, mm 2167x486x671 2167x486x671 2167x486x671 2167x486x671
Gross weight of case, kg 130 145 140 155
Volume of case, m3 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7


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