0 mm Rounds RLV-SMK and RLV-SMK-3 with Smoke Grenades
NSN: 1310-50-001-1753
NSN: 1310-50-001-2468
The Rounds are used at distance up to 200 m (RLV-SMK) and at distance up to 400 m (RLV-SMK-3) in order to quickly place a smoke-screen.
The Rounds are compatible with:
– ARSENAL UBGL, UBGL-1, GP-25, GP-30 and GP-34 Underbarrel Grenade launchers mounted on ARSENAL Assault Rifles AR-M1, AR-M1F, AR-M7F, AR-M9, AR-M9F, etc.; and on AK-74, AKS-74, AKM, AKMS, AK 101, AK 103
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