40×46 mm RLV-HEF

40×46 mm Rounds RLV-HEF  with HE Fragmentation Grenade

NSN: 1310-50-001-1588

The Rounds RLV-HEF provide effective action against enemy troops in open terrain or in light shelters at distances from 40 m to 400 m.


The rounds are designed to be fired from:

– Underbarrel Grenade Launchers: ARSENAL UBGL-M6, UBGL-M7, UBGL-M16; M203; FN GL1; HK269; AG36, and other launchers adopted to use lethal ammunition (combat types, e. g. – HEF, HEDP, AD, TB);

– Stand-alone Grenade Launchers: ARSENAL SAGL, HK169; HK269; FN GL-S; M320; and other launchers adopted to use lethal ammunition (combat types, e. g. – HEF, HEDP, AD, TB);

– Multi-shot Grenade Launchers: Milkor MGL; M32 MGL; ARSENAL MSGL; and other launchers adopted to use lethal ammunition (combat types, e. g. – HEF, HEDP, AD, TB).

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Type Low Velocity, High Explosive Fragmentation
Caliber, mm 40×46
Overall length, mm 102.5 max
Weight of Round, kg 0.255 max
Weight of Grenade, kg 0.192
Explosive filling A-IX-1 (RDX)
Weight of the explosive filling, kg 0.04
Cartridge case material Aluminum alloy
Primer type Percussion, Boxer
Propellant charge Double base powder
Fuze AF41 – point detonating, with time and super-quick and check action and self-destruction
Arming Distance, m from 10 to 40
Self-Destruction Time, s from 14 to 19
Details of arming function 3 steps of safety
Muzzle Velocity, m/s 76
Max firing range, m 400
Radius of defeat, m from 5 to 6
Operation Temperature Range, °C from minus 43 to 52
3 metal airtight boxes (40 pcs. in each box), placed in a wooden case (120 pcs. totally)
Case dimensions, mm 875x398x206
Case weight, kg 47
Case volume, m3 0.072


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